Their daring, nerve, and chivalry Members of Slytherin are generally ambitious, cunning, and resourceful. Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by four powerful wizards: Godric Gryffindor, Salazar Slytherin, Rowena Ravenclaw and Helga Hufflepuff. With a lion as its crest and Professor McGonagall at its head, Gryffindor is the house which most values the virtues of courage, bravery and determination! Looking for Pottermore? Even though Luna is a proud Ravenclaw, Evanna was sorted in Gryffindor as revealed in a Youtube video. Slytherin is the house with the worst reputation, usually called a bad house. Which class would you be in a fantasy game? The house mascot of Slytherin is the serpent, and the house colors are green and silver. Posted on Sep 11, 2021 Which Hogwarts House Would The Sorting Hat Give You Based On Your Personality? Rowena Ravenclaw founded the Ravenclaw House. A plain black box that has a silver rune that you know is the mark of Merlin. A golden box with carved feet that warns secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lurk within. "You might belong in Gryffindor, However, Slytherin has also produced powerful spellcasters like Bellatrix, Voldemort and Snape, although its unfortunate that most of them have turned evil. The quiz asks a series of questions about your personality and allows you to identify your real house. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, Digital Emma Watson (aka Hermione) has never taken a test but many fans believe that she would be in Ravenclaw. 'Essence' Picks 6 Must-Read Books for Black History Month, What America's Richest Ski Town's Handling of COVID-19 Shows. By taking up Harry Potter House Quiz, you will get to know about the Hogwarts House you truly belong to. Here you go: Hufflepuff Gryffindor is the most famous house in Hogwarts. Play this quiz and find out which House is the most suitable and matches you. Pretty cool to know that Jon Snow of Game of Thrones would be a Gryffindor. The Pottermore quiz does not only decide to which house you belong to by answering the questions, no. Try to answer every question as truthfully as possible. As a result, he is probably the most famous Hufflepuff in the world. What's your Hogwarts house based on how you sort the Disney princesses? If it lured you, it would smell of: A troll has gone berserk in the Headmasters study at Hogwarts. Just give this quiz a try, and we are sure that you will enjoy itbest of luck. The statue of an old wizard with a strangely twinkling eye, The silver leafed tree bearing golden apples, The fat red toadstools that appear to be talking to each other, The bubbling pool, in the depths of which something luminous is swirling. On Oct 8, 2022 Do you ever wonder which Harry Potter house you belong to? 9/2020 - New! WIZARDING WORLD Publishing and Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling. Join the Fan Club and bring your traits with you. We all have our opinions on which one we particularly belong in and, unfortunately, we can only ever really guess because the Harry Potter world isnt real. Slytherin produces more than its share of Dark wizards, but also turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning. Godric Gryffindor was said to value courage, determination, and also strength in students that represented his house. I took the test twice and i got Slytherin and Gryffindor. I would like to find out what house i am in for hogwarts! Discover unique things to do, places to eat, and sights to see in the best destinations around the world with Bring Me! Students of whom the Sorting Hat has taken more than five minutes to sort are said to have triggered a Hatstall. These houses compete for the House Cup during the academic year, earning and losing points depending on things like performance in classes and breaking rules. Answered. Now the site has changed and is now called The Wizarding World. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Hogwarts House Am I? What do you expect people to do when they think about you after your death? We conducted a Harry Potter House Quiz to find out where to go. Founded by Helga Hufflepuff, Hufflepuff is represented by a badger and its colors are yellow and black. Which Of These Harry Potter Ships Are You? Choose a Hogwarts ghost to have a conversation with: What is your favorite animal out of these four? Where did you get placed in our Harry Potter House Quiz? It's hours of spellbinding fun! 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tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color="#000000" tds_newsletter1-btn_bg_color_hover="#f08080"], Air = Hufflepuff (patient, nature lover, flexibility, collaboration) Yellow, Water = Ravenclaw (wisdom, creativity, community, distance) Blue, Earth = Slytherin (ambition, cunning, waiting for the right Moment) Green, Fire = Gryffindor (Courage, Honor, Perseverance) Red. Curious to get a sneak peek into what your result could be? Slytherin produces more than its share of Dark wizards, but also turns out leaders who are proud, ambitious and cunning. On Twitter, Ariana Grande revealed that her Pottermore quiz result told her that she belongs in Slytherin house. Suggest that all three of you should fight (without telling the troll)? Follow Harry Potter and friends as they play Quidditch, cast spells and explore their magical school. Those patient Hufflepuffs are true And unafraid of toil." Notable members include Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy and (rather unfortunately) Lord Voldemort. They are known to be great scholars and very thoughtful people. Do you ever wonder which Harry Potter house you belong to? Luminous Pool with something in its depths. According to Pottermore, Helga was very skilled at food-related charms. Many of the students in Ravenclaw are very competitive, especially when it comes to academic success. If you could make a potion that would guarantee you one thing, what would it be? Gryffindor's are known as the protagonists and the traditional "heroes" of the the story. Ravenclaws prize wit, learning, and wisdom. Take this quiz and find out. Here I am Gryffindor! C. Make copies and sell them for 5 sickles. Harry Potter House Quiz: Which Harry Potter Hogwarts House Do You Belong To? Actress Margot Robbie has revealed that she was sorted into Gryffindor after she took the Pottermore quiz. Theatrical Stage Rights J.K. Rowling notable Members include Severus Snape, Draco and... Plain black box that has a silver rune that you know is the mark Merlin! Skilled at food-related charms find out what house i am in for Hogwarts conversation with: is. Warns secret knowledge and unbearable temptation lurk official harry potter house quiz very skilled at food-related charms about. Usually called a bad house out which house you belong to think about you your... 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